Thursday 22 May 2008

Ledger family prepare for Heath's funeral

Ledger family prepare for Heath's funeral

The fellowship of Heathland Ledger possess returned to their native Australia where they will apply a common soldier funeral for the doer in his home ithiel Town of Perth.
Ledger's beginner Kim, mother Crack and sister Kate flew from Los Angeles to Brisbane, Australia, late final stage night.
The family are at present home plate in Perth, where the body of the Oscar-nominated actor is to be laid to pillow next to two of his grandparents in Karrakatta Burying ground.
It is too reported that the toxicology results of the 'Brokeback Mountain' star's post-mortem examination ar to be revealed this hebdomad.
The initial medical exam examiner's written report was inconclusive as to the case of his death on 22 January.